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Tailored HATS Model Overview

During our search for a candidate site in various locations, it has become quite evident that all components of our comprehensive HATS Model may not be essential or applicable. In other words, a one-size-fits-all approach may not be necessary.

Accordingly, we recommend moving to a Tailored HATS Model approach whereby we provide only the essential components for delivering a complete temporary housing solution with supports. The model represents a comprehensive framework designed to provide a significant amount of flexibility in providing a cost-effective, temporary, supportive housing solution that optimizes servicing the needs of our village members. Understanding the unique nature of different site profiles and locations, we acknowledge that a one-size-fits-all approach can possibly be unnecessarily constraining and/or costly.

The Tailored HATS Model has a multitude of components that can be included or excluded to match the requirements influenced by the profile and location of a particular site. It focuses on ensuring a sustainable temporary solution is delivered while accommodating the diverse impacts of integration into the local community. Most importantly, it ensures a holistic assessment is undertaken to identify the essential components.

Tailored Solutions: Based on our holistic and technical assessments, we develop a tailored tiny homes model that seamlessly integrates into the local community. This may involve the following:

  • more or less tiny homes,
  • a different staffing model,
  • a phased implementation,
  • a variation or variety of support services,
  • determining varying levels of on-site care capacity,
  • access to existing infrastructure,
  • adding communal spaces/units; possibly washrooms only, kitchen only, or combination thereof,
  • introducing recreational activities,
  • facilitating job opportunities,
  • providing access to health and educational supports. Additionally, we may establish partnerships with local organizations to offer support services thus ensuring village members have ready access to the resources they need, locally.

Key Attributes:

  1. Technical Analysis: We conduct a thorough evaluation of the site, considering factors such as location, accessibility, and integration within the local community. Our assessment includes reviewing zoning regulations, infrastructure availability (water, electricity, and sewage systems), and environmental considerations. This ensures we identify any potential technical challenges.
  2. Holistic Approach: We carefully assess and consider proximity to schools, community centers, and local amenities, as well as access to various services and public transit. We also engage with the local community to address their questions and gather feedback on the Tailored HATS Model chosen for the location.
  3. Continuous Evaluation: We implement ongoing monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to ensure the tiny homes model remains responsive to the evolving needs of our village members and the surrounding community. Regular feedback sessions and performance assessments enable us to identify areas for improvement and adaptation, ensuring the long-term success and sustainability of the project.
Sincerely, the HATS Team